华人医生数据库 Chinese Speaking Doctors in US and Canada

Dr. Ximing James Yang - Chicago, IL | - 华人医生数据库

ÑîÎõÃ÷, MD - CMG Physician

Ximing James, Yang  MD, Ph.D.
Attending and Clinic Professor
Pathology Renal and Genitourinary Pathology Obesity Renal and Genitourinary Pathology

Beijing, Beijing Medical University

Main Office:
312-926-3213,   Northwestern Medicine,
251 East Huron St,  
Chicago, IL 60611

Clinic Intersts:
surgical pathology and renal / urological pathology , diagnosis of genital urinary cancers including prostate, bladder, kidney, testis and other gu organs immunohistochemistry....

Ph.D.:  University of California, San Diego

Sub-Specialty: Surgical Pathology and Renal / Urological Pathology
, Diagnosis of genital
cancers including prostate, bladder, kidney, testis
and other GU organs Immunohistochemistry

Research Interests: Pathogenesis of prostate cancer, kidney cancer
and bladder cancer
of new molecular markers of GU cancers
Solid tumor banking for biological studies

Clinical Interests:  Genitourinary Malignancies, Urologic Cancers,
Surgical Pathology

Last update in 2023-10-18.


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